February 7, 2010

JUDAS PRIEST guitarist K.K. Downing has issued the following update:

"At last, after five nominations, I am happy to say the PRIEST has at last come home with a Grammy Award!

"I know that some of you may think that the awards are geared up mainly for the pop and country fraternity. But, really, it is a celebration of music excellence around the globe that inspires people in all corners of the world. And when it comes to metal, I think that as long as it gets the recognition and acceptance that it deserves, then I am happy. And I am especially happy for you the fans. I feel that it is your award too; you have been loyal campaigners staying loyal to the music that we all love whilst giving your support to so many bands throughout the decades. None least other than JUDAS PRIEST. For this I thank you and wish for us all be winners time and time again for the good of heavy metal.

"Meanwhile, we are continuing to put together the cool package I was speaking of and that is the 30th anniversary reissue of 'British Steel' and live DVD of the 2009 'British Steel Tour'. There will also be hopefully some bonus stuff too. I can't make any promises, but we are determined to make it as good as it can be.

"I guess many of you are already planning which of the festivals you are going to go this year. Again I think it's going to be a bumper year with tons of great bands to see. One thing is for sure: if PRIEST has a rare summer off this year, you will definitely see me at as many festivals as I can get too. So keep an eye out for me and as usual a good place to look would be in the beer tent!"

JUDAS PRIEST was honored with a Grammy in the "Best Metal Performance" category in the pre-telecast ceremony at the 52nd annual Grammy Awards, which was held on January 31 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. JUDAS PRIEST was nominated for the track "Dissident Aggressor", from the band's 2009 live album "A Touch of Evil: Live". The band's lead vocalist Rob Halford and drummer Scott Travis accepted the award at the event.

In his acceptance speech, Halford said, "The fifth time is the charm." According to AOL's Noisecreep, he mentioned that PRIEST have been making metal for 35 years and that they still love what they do. He also remembered to thank all the radio stations and press that have supported the band, and he dedicated the award to all heavy metal fans.

You can watch video of Halford's acceptance speech below.

The nominees in this year's "Metal" category were as follows:

* JUDAS PRIEST - "Dissident Aggressor" (from "A Touch of Evil: Live"
* LAMB OF GOD - "Set to Fail" (from "Wrath")
* MEGADETH - "Head Crusher" (from "Endgame")
* MINISTRY - "SeƱor Peligro" (from "Adios...")
* SLAYER - "Hate Worldwide" (from "World Painted Blood")

Only albums released between October 1, 2008 through August 31, 2009 could be considered for this year's awards.

The Grammys are determined by 12,000 music industry professionals who belong to the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences.

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